I’m convinced that raising little humans is by far the most beautiful, yet most challenging thing you could ever do. I’ve been thinking about this lately...
While the wonderful moments far outnumber the not-so-wonderful, it's funny how heavy those low points can weigh in my mind and heart. For all the beauty that comes with being a mom, I find it hard to shake off the dust of the little clashes and conflicts that take place, the many mistakes I make, and the uncertainties, fears, challenges and trials I face on any given week.
If you are anything like me, the few things that seem to go “wrong” can easily make us lose sight of all that is going right. We can lose sight of the wins. The endless ways we are truly loving and guiding and teaching and serving and giving. This Mother’s Day we want to help remind all of our Pleiades mama’s how incredible you are and take a moment to celebrate that.
We’ve asked some of you to share what makes you a good mom, because the good things are something we don't talk about and celebrate enough.
Let’s celebrate together, lift each other up and inspire one another to raise confident and happy little kids! We’d love for you to share in the comments below as well! Tell us what makes you a good mom.
I am a good Mom because I was raised by the most selfless woman who taught me what love is. It wasn’t until I became a Mom that I really truly appreciated all my Mom has and still does for me. I remember as a child she was always there loving us unconditionally. As a teen I gave her many sleepless nights as she worried about me. She still doesn’t sleep well as she still worries about everyone and as a matter of fact, neither do I. I always strived to be the Mother she is but I have had many hiccups along the way. Always questioning if I’m doing things right, having Mom guilt over my career, trying to be Supermom which I clearly am not are just a few instances of my struggles. But at the end of a crazy day, when I read them their bedtime story just like my Mom always did with me, I see and feel the love from my kids which affirms I must be doing something right on this motherhood journey!
I am a good mom because I am accepting, and loving. I am accepting of the good days, and the not so good days. Of the bad attitudes, and the sweet little nothings that come out of nowhere. The hardships we face as a family, and the great memories we all make together. I am accepting of WHO they are, and love them for who they will always be.
I am a good mom because being a mom is my number one absolute favorite thing in the world. I am a mom 100% of the time. There are no sick days, vacation days or days off. There's no lunch break, 15 minute breaks or time outs. Being a mom isn't a 9-5 job, it's a 24/7 job and I wouldn't have it any other way. Being my children's mom I am their world and they are mine!
I am a good mom because of my village. There’s no way I could be a good mom if I didn’t have people supporting me to love on my daughter and be role models for her. But also a village that will jump in to co-parent with my husband and I so we can be the best versions of ourselves, get time alone, and time to pursue my career. It doesn’t happen without everyone that loves us and loves our daughter, Sylvia. It takes a village.
I am a good mom because I put my daughter’s needs and wants before my own.
I am a good mom because I am teaching my daughters at a young age to be proud of their heritage, of being descendants of immigrant grandparents and to love the color of their skin. It is diversity that makes this world beautiful.
We would love to hear from you too. Share with us in the comments below!