Blog — small business

pleiades coloring book, unicorn coloring book, free downloadable coloring book, free printable coloring book, downloadable coloring book, printable coloring book, coloring book page, kids activities, handmade dresses, children's fashion, rainbow dress

Free Downloadable Pleiades Coloring Book

Are you looking for fun and creative new things to do with your little ones during your extra time at home? We want to help!  Get our most recent custom coloring book as a free download, so you can print at home...

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mom and children dancing in a field wearing the classic rainbow dresses

Yes, You Are A Good Mom

The few things that seem to go “wrong” can easily make us lose sight of all that is going right. We can lose sight of the wins. The endless ways we are truly loving and guiding and teaching and serving and giving. This Mother’s Day we want to help remind all of our Pleiades mama’s how incredible you are and take a moment to celebrate that...

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